April 17, 2024

How to squirt: a complete guide

Woman getting undressed

One day a friend called me after spending the night with a man she had been lusting after for months. “It was incredible”, she said, “but something odd happened…”

“When I orgasmed, a bunch of water-like liquid gushed out as well. It was messy, but it felt so good! This was the first time I experienced something like it, and honestly I don’t remember the last time I was so aroused like I was last night. Any clue what it was??”

My friend had joined the club of squirting. 

Estimates suggest that anywhere between 10% to 54% of women have experienced squirting at some point in their lives. Yes, that’s a pretty wide range because it depends on how each of the studies were conducted. Some women may squirt without realizing it as well.

Truth is, while women tend to have the physiological capability to squirt, not everyone will achieve it. Factors like physical, psychological, and emotional conditions play significant roles. And some may not find squirting pleasurable at all, which is completely normal!

I created this handy guide to clarify what squirting really is, how it happens, and practical steps to achieve or support this form of female ejaculation.

What is squirting?

Squirting refers to the expulsion of fluid from the urethra during sexual arousal or orgasm. It can occur with or without an orgasm and does not necessarily coincide with the climax. Some women report squirting before an orgasm, while others squirt afterward, and some experience it simultaneously.

The role of the female prostate

The process of squirting involves the Skene’s glands, located near the lower end of the urethra. These glands are often referred to as the female prostate and play a crucial role in the production of the fluid associated with squirting.

The fluid: composition and source

Scientific studies have shown that the fluid released during squirting is primarily composed of water, with some traces of urine, prostate enzymes, and sugars. It is neither pure urine, nor vaginal lubrication, but a unique substance produced by the Skene’s glands.

How to squirt

Preparation techniques

The first step is relaxing – make sure you’re comfortable and in a pressure-free environment. 

Use the bathroom before engaging in activities that might lead to squirting to empty the bladder. This reduces any discomfort associated with fluid expulsion and helps distinguish the sensation of squirting from urinating.

Practicing pelvic floor exercises can also enhance the ability to squirt by strengthening the muscles involved in ejaculation.

Stimulation techniques

External techniques

Engage in prolonged foreplay to thoroughly build arousal. Start with external stimulation, such as massaging the clitoris and the vulvar area. This can help relax the pelvic muscles and increase the likelihood of squirting.

Internal techniques

If you’re comfortable with internal stimulation, gently massaging the front wall of the vagina (the area commonly known as the G-spot) can trigger squirting. 

Use a come-hither motion with one or two fingers, gradually increasing pressure according to comfort. It's important to be patient and attentive to the body's response to touch, and follow what feels good.

The stimulation of the G-spot, which is sponge-like and swells when aroused, is key. Some women find that using a toy designed for G-spot stimulation can help achieve squirting more effectively than fingers due to the consistent pressure and angle that can be maintained. 

Others may find that a specific position during penetration can really hit the spot.

Psychological factors and communication

Feeling uninhibited and secure can significantly impact your ability to squirt. If you’re worried about how messy the aftermath can be, make sure to have a towel handy or place it under you while you have sex.

As always, communication and consent are paramount. Make sure to talk to your partner about desires, boundaries, and comfort levels. Guide them, verbally and physically. If something feels off or hurts, let them know. Change or adjust positions. Do what you have to do to feel comfortable and pleasurable.

Ensure that any exploration of squirting is mutually agreeable and enjoyable. 

Tips for partners

If you’re supporting a partner in exploring squirting, focus on creating an open and pressure-free environment. Pay attention to their cues and be patient. 

The goal is to enhance pleasure, not achieve a specific outcome. This can help your partner feel more at ease, increasing the chances of squirting. Remember that it can vary in duration and intensity, and may not occur every time.

Also, this isn’t about you, it’s about them. If they don’t squirt, don’t blame yourself, and especially don’t place any blame on them.

Squirting should be approached with curiosity and care. With proper knowledge, open communication, support and practice, it can be an enriching part of your sexual repertoire.

And remember, whether or not a woman squirts does not measure sexual satisfaction or orgasm intensity.

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